mercredi 6 février 2013


You wish you could escape from this lonely world. Being surrounded by very good friends and a great family doesn't prevent from that feeling that is LONELINESS. Especially when everyone has their soulmate with them and you are the only lonely soul. And you can't find him, he's nowhere to be seen. You start to think that maybe you are meant to be alone. Because you have tried, you have loved, and either it failed or it was one way love. All you want is someone to share special moments with, someone who holds your hands and takes you in his arms. Someone to fall asleep with and to wake up with. Just feeling his warmth. All you want is to make someone happy, support him in his goals and ambitions. Create a relationship everyone would want, create greatness! But no one comes... So you're still waiting in the pain of loneliness

mardi 17 juillet 2012


To the barefoot man, happiness is a pair of shoes. To the man with old shoes, it’s a pair of new shoes. To the man with new shoes, it’s more stylish shoes. And of course, the fellow with no feet — he’d be happy to be barefoot. Measure your life by what you have, not by what you don’t.

African Proverb

samedi 26 novembre 2011


We can learn that the essence of love is not to use the other to make us happy but to serve and affirm the one we love. And we can discover, to our surprise, that what we have needed more than anything was not so much to be loved as to love.
Robert Johnson


Love is physical
U feel it in ur stomach when u cant eat
U feel it in ur heart when it beats faster
U feel it in ur lungs when u cant breathe
U feel it in your tongue when u cant speak
U feel it in ur legs when u cant stand
U feel it in ur eyes when u cant sleep
U feel it in ur head when all u do is think abt him...

dimanche 20 novembre 2011


Somebody said that missing someone is not an indication that you need to be with them.

But then what is an indication that you need someone?
God made Eve for Adam from Adam...
They both knew they were each others...
Eve never had a chance to miss him or wonder if he was the one for her!

What indicates that you're his Eve or that he's your Adam if merely missing
that person and believing in your heart at that moment is not enough?

mercredi 26 octobre 2011


Expressing feelings is hard.
Life has its ways to surprise you but it also puts obstacles on your path.
I found someone I think might be the love of my life.
I think he feels the same, according to his own words.
But seperated by distance, I don't know if I should open my heart.
A relatoonship is complicated enough when together,
But seperated thousands of questions come up.
What is he doing?
Who is he with?
Is he sincere telling me I am all he wants?
Is he seeing other girls?...
I don't want to put my feelings out there and open my heart not knowing what is waiting for me.
But what if by not doing it I am missing the time of my life?

mardi 25 octobre 2011


I need a man tall and strong
Who would do me no wrong
A brother with choclate skin
With whom a life I can begin
A gentleman who still knows how to treat a woman
A caring supporting and loving man
A man considering everything his as ours
A man bringing me flowers
Supporting me if I chose as my job to raise our children
A man I can trust with no secrets hidden
I need a man I can adore
For love is everything I am looking for.
